This is a Reality Blog. That means everything you read, see and hear in it will be authentic without embellishment, use of fictional characters, script r plot. The only "script" per se will be the directions as published in the Big Book, "Alcoholics Anonymous", Chapter Seven, Working With Others.
Each case will play out exactly as it does without me or anyone but God knowing what the outcome will be.
You all know what Reality TV is. Well, this is like that except that I will be Blogging and you will be reading instead of me producing and you watching. Simple concept right? I am pretty sure that we are coining a phrase here - so don't be surprised if you begin hearing of other kinds of Blogs calliung thmesleves "Reality" Blogs but I think it i only fitting that the honor of invention goes to real alcoholics everywhere.
It's main purpose is to educate, inform and perhaps sometimes entertain by presenting and documenting real-time Twelve Stepping events as they happen - as near live as it gets.
I shall document - this is "Documentary" and I will be presenting the start of each case, proceeds and finishes. When possible I will also be providing actual video and audio of many of these twelve step encounters. Close Encounters of the Twelfth Kind.
The very first case is John Z from Hyannis, MA. Please stay tuned as this will be a Daily Reality Blog.
What is a Twelve Stepping Event?